Information Security

Group founded 04 Apr 2007
Posts 206
Members 39
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The risks from Cyber cime - Hacking - Loss of Data Privacy - Identity Theft and other topical threats - can be greatly reduced by implementation of robust IT Security controls ...

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The real impact of the Vault 7 CIA data leak

The leak of almost 9,000 documents detailing hacking and surveillance techniques used by the CIA is shocking, but not for the reasons many people think. Reading that your Smart TV or mobile phone cou...

09 Mar 2017
Mike Lynch

Overcoming Vulnerabilities In TLS

Recently Sudo Security Group uncovered something shocking about a range of popular applications available for download in the Apple's iOS Store. While performing research for their security tool verif...

28 Feb 2017
Pat Carroll

Security by Obscurity is the key!

2014 shocked us all into the reality that no institution or organization, no matter how big or sophisticated, was immune to being “hacked” or “breached”. Towards the end of the year, we were all numbe...

27 Jan 2015
Pat Carroll

iHack Hastens Call for Multi-factor Authentication

“If only I would have known” is a phase that Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton and possibly as many as 100 celebrities and notable personalities are likely saying after a reported massive breach of Apple’...

05 Sep 2014
Pat Carroll

Our Predictions for 2014: Who Will Dominate? Part 1

Unfortunately, it’s not going to be plain sailing on the security front in 2014. It’s a bit like Friday 13th. Many folk say that Friday 13th is not their unlucky day at all, it’s Saturday 14th they wo...

20 Jan 2014
Uri Rivner

BitCoin Explained: How to Become a BitCoin Thief - part 1

OK folks. You’ve all been hearing about Bitcoin. Your neighbors have been hearing about Bitcoin. Your dog walker has been hearing about Bitcoin. Now it’s time to separate the wheat from the chaff… L

04 Dec 2013
Retired Member

iPhone fingerprint scanner broken by Chaos

The new biometric security 'feature' if the Apple iPhone has already been breached using a simple photograph & common everyday items. It took members of the renowned Chaos Computer Club the blink ...

22 Sep 2013
Retired Member

Did I mention, 'your dongle dongle is impotent'?

RSA Security, is alleged to have warned thousands of its customers to immediately discontinue using all versions of company's BSAFE toolkit and Data Protection Manager (DPM), both using Dual_EC_DRNG (...

22 Sep 2013
Uri Rivner

The positive side of Malware

At precisely 20:26 local time my Yahoo app began buzzing like a bee hive. 72 ‘Mailer-Daemon’ failure to email messages popped up one after the other in my home-use email. Shortly afterwards I star

20 Jun 2013
Uri Rivner

Take the 45 Million and Run

It was one of the largest cyber-heists in human history. Like in many other cyber attacks, it started with breaching a secure network. This time the target was a US-based processor of prepaid cards is...

10 May 2013
Pat Carroll

Could EC3 help Europol see sense?

This month, we saw Europol’s launch of EC3, the new European Cybercrime Centre that aims to be at the heart of combating cybercrime in the EU. As I blogged back in July 2012, it’s fantastic the EU rec...

25 Jan 2013
Pat Carroll

Dexter malware, targeting Christmas shoppers

The holiday season is a prime time for fraudsters to target consumers' credit cards and it's not surprising that Dexter has come to light a week before Christmas. Dexter is yet another malware variat...

20 Dec 2012

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