Pat Carroll

Pat Carroll

Founder/Executive Chairman at ValidSoft
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Bio Throughout his career, Pat has been at the forefront of industry thinking, representing organisations on industry bodies and leading participation in industry initiatives. At ValidSoft, he leads the R&D function and is responsible for intellectual property and new patents. ValidSoft is regarded by l Career History Prior to founding ValidSoft, Pat was employed as Head of Electronic Trading Technology in Europe for Goldman Sachs International where responsibilities included technical strategy related to Electronic Trading, Client Connectivity and Straight Through Processing. In addition, Pat co headed Europe


Information Security

Security by Obscurity is the key!

27 Jan 2015

2014 shocked us all into the reality that no institution or organization, no matter how big or sophisticated, was immune to being “hacked” or “breached”. Towards the end of the year, we were all numbed into submission and the shock factor resulting from the headlines that continued to dominate, was replaced with an uneasy bewilderment. Already thi...

Disruption in Retail Banking

Chip and Signature, a Paradise Lost

28 Oct 2014

By now, most participants in the US payments industry are finally about to realize that the day of the mag stripe is doomed and that EMV, the secure payment card technology rolled out in Europe nearly a decade ago, is finally about to make its debut in the US. Incredulous as it may seem, the financial integrity of the payment card industry continu...


Innovation in Financial Services

Payment Card Data Theft At The POS - Time To Knuckle Down

13 Oct 2014

Recently, I wrote a piece highlighting some of the startling data released on the true costs of fraud published in a report by Lexis Nexis. This report examined the costs of fraud across a number of dimensions including channel, payment method, merchant type and location, providing a great view on the true scope of the issues now confronting the p...


Innovation in Financial Services

More Channels, More Payment Options, More Fraud

23 Sep 2014

Payment fraud is one of the greatest threats to global commerce today, yet it remains one of the hardest to quantify and or course, prevent. That is why I found the recent webinar hosted by LexisNexis and Javelin Research to be so fascinating, yet chilling. The 2014 LexisNexis True Cost of Fraud webinar entitled “More Channels. More Payment Options...

Pat is Commenting on

Bank of Scotland streamlines app login

  It’s good to see the Bank of Scotland focussing on the mobile customer experience. Clearly they see this as a significant competitive advantage, and promoting it as such, whilst also highlighting the security features of their approach. With mobile, streamlining the login process,  enrolment and activation is key if banking apps and wallets are to achieve the adoption needed. When it comes to financial services, consumers want convenience. Mobile can deliver a strong value proposition but achieving the balance between a low friction customer experience and “behind the scenes” strong security is vital. What is clearly still lacking is consumer confidence in the security of the  mobile  environment,  and every high-profile attack on the payments industry further dents consumer confidence.  So it doesn’t help at all to read headlines such as “Personal banking apps leak info through the phone” coming rapidly on the back of some of the most high profile data breaches in history. Not scare-mongering – sadly fact.   Fraudsters are relentless and evolve their methods constantly, and it’s easy to form an opinion that the war is over and they have won. However some reassurance can be derived from the amount of research and innovation that is being invested in the security sector. The evolution to mobile creates some of the greatest opportunities we have to reengineer process flows and remove traditional opportunities for fraud. Real-time checks carried out in parallel at the point of sale can be used to detect and prevent fraud yet without any apparent linkage of the process flows. Such capability creates very complex layered security models that are very difficult for the fraudster to hijack. And even if one or more layers are compromised, the integrity of the process can be preserved. Alongside the application of such powerful multi-factor, multi-layered invisible technologies is the emergence of innovative low friction “visible” technologies such as Voice Biometrics, with Equal Error Rates low enough to ensure widespread mainstream adoption in both online and mobile banking. Speaking is intuitive and when speaking can be combined with voice recognition and voice biometrics, but in a totally intuitive and “command driven” perspective, in high-fidelity, over the data channel (no call placement required), and where no PINs or passwords or any form of pre-determined security information is necessary, then a paradigm shift has been achieved and mass adoption is inevitable. Such fiction is in fact reality today, and the technologies are already available, and in the process of being deployed by the most advanced technology adopters on the planet. No bank wants to be on the “bleeding edge” of any technology, but in the race for competitive advantage, and the absolute need to counter the fraudsters, no bank can afford to not be on the “leading edge”.