Information Security

Group founded 04 Apr 2007
Posts 206
Members 39
Group summary

The risks from Cyber cime - Hacking - Loss of Data Privacy - Identity Theft and other topical threats - can be greatly reduced by implementation of robust IT Security controls ...

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Paul Irvine

The 3 questions the financial services industry needs to ask itself regarding GDPR

Businesses around the globe are becoming increasingly data-driven. This is largely due to the expectation of customisation of the user experience. Financial institutions, in particular have been able ...

29 Sep 2017
James Barret

The Equifax Debacle: An Alarm Bell for Banks?

Watching the Equifax debacle unfold has been a bit like watching a badly written coming of age story - just when you think it can’t get any worse, it does. The plot has certainly thickened as it has ...

18 Sep 2017
Paul Dignan

Are we safe to bank on biometrics?

For financial institutions, the primary goal of digitisation is making banking simpler and more intuitive for customers. Biometric identification has huge potential, offering convenience, simplifying ...

08 Sep 2017
Paul Irvine

Financial services: Reduce the cyber risk from within

Financial services organisations are at an inherently greater risk of cyber attacks due to the sensitive nature of the data they store, and the monetary motivations of cybercriminals, they are keenly ...

17 Aug 2017
Paul Irvine

The evolution of network security strategies being adopted by the financial services sector.

The rise in popularity of the Internet of Things (IoT) and a consumer desire to access valuable data on various devices has led to network security becoming increasingly complicated for financial serv...

15 Aug 2017
Ben Knieff

Phone Scams For Everyone

In the past day or two I’ve received a few alarming voicemails claiming potential legal actions and even threatening that the police will come to arrest me. Some claimed to be from the IRS, others wer...

11 Jul 2017
Paul Irvine

Why remote working presents an increased threat to financial services

Security teams and IT departments at large enterprises across all industries are faced with securing against an ever expanding attack surface daily. Previously, vulnerable points of entry used to live...

16 Jun 2017
Paul Irvine

4 Cybersecurity Crunch Points Facing the Financial Services Sector

It’s well known that the main trends currently driving change within the technology sector are the cloud, internet of things, mobility and big data analytics. While advances in digital business are si...

28 Apr 2017
Retired Member

Does the Buck Stop with GameStop?

In March, I wrote about the attack on the infrastructure of United States of America. It wasn’t an attack on our naval bases, bridges, or water supply. It was an attack on the infrastructure of our in...

19 Apr 2017
Paul Irvine

Consolidation and integration of security solutions in Financial Services

The single biggest issue we keep hearing about from financial institutions is the need to simplify and consolidate their security infrastructure. As Financial Services has evolved from person-to-perso...

29 Mar 2017
Retired Member

Computer Security - Bankers Cannot Ignore It But It Will Never Be Completely Safe

In 1983, I completed a computer security test for a Top Tier U.S. bank. Their idea not mine, because the CEO was alert enough and worried about early signs of computer crime in banking. I never consid...

24 Mar 2017
Mike Lynch

Attack of the Bots

While there is always the debate about what the biggest cybersecurity threat is today—DDoS attacks, ransomware, SQL injections, etc.—there is consensus that, based on total dollars lost, the use of au...

23 Mar 2017

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