Digital Banking Trends

Group founded 11 May 2017
Posts 232
Members 35
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Digital Banking trends and Industry Intelligence for Bankers, Fintechs, and Solutions Providers

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Alex Kreger

Digital Banking Customer Experience Trends Humanize the Industry

Many customers are used to seeing the banking industry as soulless, focused only on making a profit. However, inspired by new technological opportunities, financial companies have made significant pr...

16 Nov 2021
Luigi Wewege

8 Important Facts to Understand About Digital Banking

You've heard of digital banking before and may even be using it regularly. Even so, there may be aspects of this type of banking that you don't know yet. That's easy to change by discussing with a fin...

04 Nov 2021
Luigi Wewege

Understanding How Bitcoin Works and What You Can Do With It

The concept of digital currency is nothing new. Ideas about how to utilize this idea have been around for more than two decades. While some approaches have come and gone, Bitcoin remains. In fact, it’...

16 Oct 2021
Pavlo Farb

Cloud security and fintech: 4 things to consider

Check this list while planning a new business and putting your fintech app in the cloud. By noting these arguments you can avoid risky misconceptions of trusting too much responsibility to cloud provi...

23 Aug 2021
Tatsiana Kuchminskaya

What Will Financial Services of the Future Look Like in the Cloud?

Cloud technologies are attracting more and more attention from IT entrepreneurs and top managers. What are the new opportunities that the cloud opens for companies? In 10 years, banks and financial ...

18 Aug 2021
Pavlo Farb

5 reasons to use application-level encryption to prevent data leaks in fintech

Facing a blend of old and new regulations, fintech companies, neobanks, and banks-as-a-service use application-level encryption (ALE) to encrypt transaction data, PII, and data sensitive with payments...

19 Jul 2021
Denis Ostapchenya

How to Develop a Secure Mobile Banking App

The mobile universe is expanding. There were 3.6 million smartphone users five years ago; now this figure has doubled, and by 2026, it is expected to reach 7.5 million. Banks, like other industries, ...

09 Jul 2021
Retired Member

Lessons learnt: What financial technologies will survive post-COVID?

The pandemic has caused a sea of change in the adoption of technology amongst those in the financial sector. Established banks and financial institutions have opened their eyes to the benefits of inno...

02 Jul 2021
Aurélie L'hostis

Protecting Customers From Harm Is A Crucial Part Of Banks' Financial Well-Being Strategy

On May 4, the UK government launched a new “Breathing Space” scheme in England and Wales. This debt respite scheme gives people struggling with debt problems a 60-day period of legal protection durin...

28 May 2021
Adam Desmond

How trust will shift the gears in the UK banking industry

Modern-day banking has been made easy, thanks to the likes of mobile-first challenger banks. They have designed their apps and offerings to meet their customer’s needs, making sure the way these apps ...

27 May 2021

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