02 Nov 2023 | 386 downloads
Modernisation programmes, digital service proliferation, client demand and advancing technology are all shaping the evolution and the future of financ...
23 Oct 2023 | 724 downloads
2023 was characterised by increasing amounts of uncertainty and a lack of clarity across the financial world. The collapse of banks, including Silicon...
10 Oct 2023 | 422 downloads
With every passing year, we are seeing our chances to tackle climate change diminish, but we are not without the opportunity to make a change. The sum...
22 Sep 2023 | 264 downloads
The age-old Build Vs. Buy conundrum has never been brought into sharper focus than it is now.
In light of unprecedented unpredictability and economic...
07 Sep 2023 | 1031 downloads
A Sibos Special Edition.
Our world has experienced several unexpected and unprecedented events over the last few years, which show no signs of slowin...
04 Sep 2023 | 426 downloads
In a world of rapidly advancing technology, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are essential to a bank's growth strategy.&...
09 Aug 2023 | 303 downloads
Many companies, countries and regions have forged ahead in leveraging data, cloud, blockchain and AI. One such region is Latin America, where accordin...
16 Aug 2023 | 298 downloads
A Financial Cloud Series Report
Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) has emerged as a prominent and steady trend in the banking sector, significantly disrupti...
05 Aug 2023 | 439 downloads
Middle Eastern ambitions drive the Digital Gulf
In 2020, a research paper was released titled 'Statistical models and stochastic optimisation in...
11 Aug 2023 | 156 downloads
A Financial Cloud Series Report
It has been widely established that the cloud is the next big step for financial institutions to become more agile, f...
20 Jul 2023 | 558 downloads
Across fintech - digital banking, digital payments, personal finance, lending, and investment - data is central to the function of all these technolog...
13 Jul 2023 | 212 downloads
A Financial Cloud Series Report.
Discover the power of the cloud with our comprehensive event report on formulating an actionable cloud strategy. As...