
AI and Cloud: The Proving Ground for Regulatory Resilience in 2024

22 Dec 2023  |  639 downloads

The current macroeconomic landscape is marked by exceptional volatility and uncertainty, posing challenges to traditional models in the financial serv...

Cloud innovation paves path to the future

19 Dec 2023  |  174 downloads

An open banking platform has the power to transform a bank, whether the bank is looking to modernise using technology on-premise, in the cloud or as S...

The Future of Digital Banking in North America 2024

23 Oct 2023  |  724 downloads

2023 was characterised by increasing amounts of uncertainty and a lack of clarity across the financial world. The collapse of banks, including Silicon...

Build, Buy or Bust – Hybrid leapfrogging Legacy

22 Sep 2023  |  264 downloads

The age-old Build Vs. Buy conundrum has never been brought into sharper focus than it is now. In light of unprecedented unpredictability and economic...

The Future of the Global Financial Ecosystem 2024

07 Sep 2023  |  1031 downloads

A Sibos Special Edition. Our world has experienced several unexpected and unprecedented events over the last few years, which show no signs of slowin...

Entering New and Niche Markets with BaaS

16 Aug 2023  |  298 downloads

A Financial Cloud Series Report Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) has emerged as a prominent and steady trend in the banking sector, significantly disrupti...

Keeping Pace with Customer Experience Demands during Cloud Migration

11 Aug 2023  |  156 downloads

A Financial Cloud Series Report It has been widely established that the cloud is the next big step for financial institutions to become more agile, f...

From Cloud to Multicloud, Pathway to Resilience

06 Jun 2023  |  372 downloads

The term multicloud has various interpretations, each offering different levels of resilience and reliability for bank payment platforms. Financial in...

The Future of Fintech in the UK 2023

13 Apr 2023  |  686 downloads

A Special Edition for UK Fintech Week 2023 and IFGS 2023 Fintech investment across Europe, the Middle East and Africa fell from $79 billion across 2,...

Customer Experience - Is Hyperpersonalisation the next frontier?

06 Apr 2023  |  444 downloads

An Inflection Point as Banks Invest to Improve Customer Experience A Finextra research survey, which was conducted in late 2022/early 2023, aimed to...

SaaS: The case for building a new banking business model

03 Oct 2022  |  518 downloads

Why is SaaS pivotal to tackling regulatory, competition, and technology challenges? Banks are no longer only interested in building their infrastruct...

Mainframe to Cloud: How to shift applications

05 Sep 2022  |  331 downloads

The shift to the cloud The financial services industry is increasingly turning to the cloud to resolve challenges involving the movement of money. Ho...