Payments strategies 2015-2020-2030

Founded by Miloslav Hoschek
Group founded 12 Jul 2010
Posts 346
Members 117
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Payments systems visions, strategies, trends, pilots, forecasting, and planning for the short-, medium-, and far-term.

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Jamel Derdour

Fast, Secure and Inclusive: The Future of Payments in Emerging Markets

In the ever-evolving landscape of global finance, real-time payment systems have emerged as a transformative force, particularly in emerging markets. These systems, characterised by instantaneous tran...

28 Feb 2024
Retired Member

Realtime Payments: A Threat to Traditional Cross Border Payments

1. Introduction It is no secret to many scholars and stakeholders in the banking industry that technology is quickly reshaping the sector. Indeed, technological advances have given rise to what today ...

15 Feb 2024
Retired Member

Revolutionizing Real-Time Payments with GenAI

1. Introduction Today, real-time payments are being revolutionized by Artificial Intelligence. This is a significant change for the better, because previous ways of making payments have been increasin...

15 Feb 2024
Rasmus Oisma

Pioneering a new era in e-commerce and payment processing

The payments evolution can be traced back to the early 90’s with the online sale of a Sting CD, the first-ever known e-commerce transaction. It was a transaction that oversaw the birth of a new era i...

08 Feb 2024
Jamel Derdour

QR Codes and Beyond: Exploring the Rise of Digital Payments in China

In the last decade, China has witnessed an unprecedented transformation in its payment landscape. From a country heavily reliant on cash transactions to a global leader in digital payments, the growth...

30 Jan 2024
Fatemeh Nikayin

The Next Phase for LLMs for RegTech and Payments

The integration of large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4 in regulatory technology (RegTech) and payment systems marks a new era in the financial sector. With their advanced language processing capab...

17 Jan 2024
Joris Lochy

The Art of Checkout: Digital and Physical Shopping Experiences

Every business inevitably engages in a checkout journey. In B2B contexts with low-volume but high-value transactions, this can be a lengthy, manual process. Nevertheless, the same three key steps can ...

10 Jan 2024
Jamel Derdour

Real-Time Payments in a Digital World: What Lies Ahead

In our increasingly digitalised world, the way we transact is undergoing a profound transformation. Real-time payments, often referred to as instant payments, are at the forefront of this revolution. ...

04 Dec 2023
Fatemeh Nikayin

Combatting Fraud in Payments: Essential Strategies for Issuing Banks Facing Dispute Challenges

In this rapidly evolving digital landscape, there has been an unprecedented proliferation of payment methods, each designed to cater to ever-evolving needs for convenience and speed. However, this has...

22 Nov 2023
Pete Lord

The surprising link between share of wallet and accounting connectivity in cross-border payments

B2B payments is rapidly evolving as the new battleground for foreign exchange providers. It has the fruitful combination of delivering consistently high growth but remaining relatively untapped, as a ...

30 Oct 2023
Jamel Derdour

The Remarkable Growth of Global Payouts: Transforming the Way We Transact

In today's interconnected world, the ease and efficiency of cross-border financial transactions have become pivotal to businesses and individuals alike. The growth of global payouts has transformed th...

18 Oct 2023
Anirudh Pandit

No More Digital Payment Headaches

In today's rapidly-evolving digital landscape, businesses across many industries recognize the increasing significance of digital payment processing systems. As online transactions surge, companies re...

17 Oct 2023

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