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Blog Groups
Contributed Data

Contributed Data

Blogs: 3 | Newest: Jun 2020

The go to group if you are contributing your prices to data vendors

Internal Auditors in Financial Services

Internal Auditors in Financial Services

Blogs: 12 | Newest: Nov 2019

This community aims to provide related links, resources and news references, and to develop a forum for internal auditors to exchange views on various related items.

Unified Communications in Financial Services

Unified Communications in Financial Services

Blogs: 18 | Newest: Nov 2019

A community for debating the role of UC within the banks today and how it may progress in the near / medium term.

OTC Derivatives and Central Counterparty Clearing

OTC Derivatives and Central Counterparty Clearing

Blogs: 1 | Newest: Oct 2019

Coverage of industry regulations, trends, issues, and developments relating to global OTC derivatives and Central Counterparty (CCP) clearing around the world.

Where are they now?

Where are they now?

Blogs: 12 | Newest: Mar 2017

Tracking familiar names and faces from fintec, who may have either moved onto new arenas, or simply come back into the fold with a new logo on their business card.

XBRL Discussion Group

XBRL Discussion Group

Blogs: 9 | Newest: Mar 2013

As XBRL becomes more recognised as a vitally important tool to reduce data costs and streamline communication in the financial services industry, the full opportunities need to be explored. To ensure a full and clear understanding by the financial services industry globally rather than just those co...

Video extravaganza

Video extravaganza

Blogs: 33 | Newest: Sep 2009

A round-up of interesting videos knocking about on the web. Anything worth watching of interest to Finextra community members.

FSCS Fast Payout

FSCS Fast Payout

Blogs: 2 | Newest: Mar 2009

Updates and views on the UK's Financial Services Compensation Scheme reform, leading to faster payouts for depositors

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