XBRL Discussion Group

Group founded 20 Oct 2009
Posts 9
Members 8
Group summary

As XBRL becomes more recognised as a vitally important tool to reduce data costs and streamline communication in the financial services industry, the full opportunities need to be explored. To ensure a full and clear understanding by the financial services industry globally rather than just those countries where is has already been adopted, especially in light of the DTCC and SWIFT initiative.

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Truth in reporting: eXtended Business Reporting Language

Standards lead to best practices; standardization makes life simpler. Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), has pioneered and promoted standards and guidelines in the area of aud

30 Jun 2011
Gary Wright

This is the start of something big

At the recent annual Corporate Action conference in New York this week the hot topic was the significant progress being made by the DTCC and SWIFT with XBRL to standardise Issuer data. The audience wa...

14 Oct 2010
Retired Member

DTCC corporate action standards

The release of the first set of draft ISO 20022 corporate action announcment by the DTCC is an excellent achievement for them and their partners SWIFT and XBRL US. The introduction of standard messag...

19 May 2010
Retired Member

Lost in translation?

Like the terms ‘Golden Record' and ‘Golden Copy' before it, we are no doubt hearing the use of the term XBRL as the ‘new' thing to standardizing data and reducing corporate action announcement risk. ...

29 Mar 2010
Gary Wright

XBRL Update

For everyone that has read the XBRL Blog " XBRL is coming in a big way" please re read the comments. These comments have flushed out valuable information and status as well as underlying the...

30 Oct 2009
Gary Wright

XBRL and the Identity Issue

The DTCC/SWIFT/XBRL initiative will I am sure, be a success and be a springboard to a new age of data standards. However, there remains an important issue that needs attention and that is, to protect ...

27 Oct 2009
Gary Wright

XBRL is coming in a very big way

Let's be clear about XBRL and start by saying it's been around for more than a decade. Having had a very slow birth, after a prolonged gestation period but now the time is here when XBRL will be recog...

22 Oct 2009

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