Financial Transformation

Founded by Tim Scammell
Group founded 29 Jan 2020
Posts 49
Members 7
Group summary

The pace of evolution for many corporate finance and accounting functions is accelerating. The mandate of the CFO is expanding and the challenges they face accumulating. This blog is an exploration of these topics.

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Peter Davidson


Being a human resource manager or a compensation professional, the exercise of doing a compensation planning every year is a tedious task. With companies keeping their merit increase budget same year-...

20 Sep 2020
Adam Holden

The Future of Compliance: Digital Transformation Meets Regulation

Digital Transformation (DT), is nothing new; it’s an industry in itself that has become diluted to a point where it has virtually lost its meaning. However it represents a step-change in the speed at ...

25 Jun 2020
Peter Davidson

Increased Volatility in Financial Markets as COVID-19 Surges

Source: CBOE VIX Options Stock markets, futures markets, and general business sentiment have taken a pounding since the devastating coronavirus outbreak, more recently renamed COVID-19. After a semi

18 Feb 2020
Niall Twomey

KYC Utilities: The Second Coming, Learning from Past Failures

In the previous blog, I examined the current compliance challenge and how e-KYC utilities can solve the age-old challenges of collection, validation and processing of customer data and documentation. ...

11 Feb 2020
Tim Scammell

Turning Numbers into Actions

Today's executives are facing mounting pressures from a variety of new sources. The Traditional demands of product evolution and revenue generation remain unchanged. However, the wide-ranging ramifica...

29 Jan 2020

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