Financial Services Regulation

Group founded 01 Jul 2010
Posts 553
Members 60
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This network is for financial professionals interested in staying up to date on financial services regulation happening anywhere in the world. CFOs, bankers, fund managers, treasurers welcome.

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Bo Harald

Impact evaluation - much to do

I am a member of the Finnish Council of Regulatory Impact. We are an independent body - but in the Prime Minister’s office. Similar organisations have been established also for example in Germany, the...

04 Dec 2017
Breana Patel

How Suptech will revolutionize the Regulatory Watchdogs

Imagine a capital markets desk of a financial institution where a trader is about to press enter on the keyboard to initiate a market position when a message pops up on the computer screen from a regu...

27 Nov 2017
Timothy Murnaghan

Bank of England Stress Test results

The Bank of England will publish the stress test results next week (having brought it forward from December). The big banks face a tough annual cyclic scenario and an additional “lower-for-longer” exp...

22 Nov 2017
Breana Patel

AI implementation in AML at HSBC sees a considerable reduction in compliance costs

Current AML Techniques In today’s world, we tend to combat money laundering efforts with regulation-based account surveillance and ordinary KYC systems, when in all honesty these techniques will not

16 Nov 2017
Breana Patel

Stress Testing in Banks

Stress testing has been a much-favoured simulation technique used by banks to evaluate the risk of having insufficient capital during tough times. Large financial institutes have been using stress tes...

15 Nov 2017
Retired Member

WhatsApp and WeChat - the next big headache for compliance?

Over the last eighteen months the use of WhatsApp and WeChat has steadily grown within financial services. It doesn’t matter which country you operate in, I guarantee there’s a regulation that says yo...

13 Nov 2017
James Higgins

PSD2: Has enough been done?

PSD2, the much vaunted reimagination of the original EU Payments Services Directive, is to be implemented by member states in 2018. The aim of PSD2 is to revolutionise the payments industry, influenci...

24 Oct 2017
Retired Member

RegTech to the Rescue: Combining Data Utilities and Case Management for Compliance

Regulatory Demands on the Rise In financial services, regulatory demands continue to increase along with the pressure from regulators. For example, year after year Anti-Money Laundering (AML) requirem...

23 Oct 2017
John Doyle

Who owns the data?

There's been a vigorous debate recently about data in financial services and who it belongs to. At the Vendorcom conference last month it featured high on the list of concerns especially as more and m...

20 Oct 2017
Retired Member

FinCEN Final Rule: Redefining Client Due Diligence Requirements

Coming into force on May 11th, 2018, FinCEN’s Final Customer Due Diligence (CDD) Rule (i.e. FinCEN Final Rule (CDD)) will bring in sweeping new changes to how financial institutions collect, maintain ...

20 Oct 2017

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