Exposing Financial Crime

Founded by Simon Moss
Group founded 18 May 2021
Posts 41
Members 8
Group summary

Criminals are smart, and detection capabilities need to be smarter and always adapting to stay one step ahead. Time to drive out pointless investigations and finding true malignancies hidden from existing rules and machine learning techniques. Join us for conversations and articles on how to refocus financial crimes investigations into actually stopping crime.

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Banks need to understand their data to combat fraud effectively

COVID-19 has led to increased challenges with ensuring a consistent customer experience, but more than that it’s highlighted that new digital channels are making combatting ever changing “scams” harde...

29 Oct 2021
Michael Ault

A new age, the same threats: How today’s fraudsters are targeting SMEs and what you can do about it

Though it might have been hoped a decade ago that technological advances by the 2020s would have all but wiped out the threat of fraud, this is not the case. Fraud isn’t just on the rise; it’s reachin...

16 Sep 2021
John Bertrand

Scamdemic protection: call a journalist

In the Scamdemic, investigations by journalists are a source of inspiration by helping many clients receive compensation from banks who initially refused fraud reimbursement. At the point of banks say...

31 Aug 2021
Amanda Mickleburgh

We all love a bargain, but so do fraudsters

The success of Amazon’s recent Prime Day - this year over 250 million items were sold worldwide - typically results in many other merchants promoting similar sales events. With many merchants hoping ...

19 Jul 2021
Simon Moss

Where the COVID-19 Stimulus Fraud Risks Are – and How to Stop Them

We’re living in a golden age for financial crimes and it’s a good time to be a bad actor. Among the many potentials for crime is stimulus fraud – such as what occurred last year with the major stimulu...

18 May 2021

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