Exposing Financial Crime

Founded by Simon Moss
Group founded 18 May 2021
Posts 41
Members 8
Group summary

Criminals are smart, and detection capabilities need to be smarter and always adapting to stay one step ahead. Time to drive out pointless investigations and finding true malignancies hidden from existing rules and machine learning techniques. Join us for conversations and articles on how to refocus financial crimes investigations into actually stopping crime.

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Rodrigo Zepeda

The Model Mandatory Disclosure Rules (‘AEOI PHASE 3’) Briefing Series: PART III

By Rodrigo Zepeda, CEO, Storm-7 Consulting INTRODUCTION The pro forma template ‘Model Mandatory Disclosure Rules for CRS Avoidance Arrangements and Opaque Offshore Structures’ (MMD Rules) were publi...

23 Jun 2022
Rodrigo Zepeda

The Model Mandatory Disclosure Rules (‘AEOI PHASE 3’) Briefing Series: PART II

By Rodrigo Zepeda, CEO, Storm-7 Consulting INTRODUCTION The ‘Model Mandatory Disclosure Rules for CRS Avoidance Arrangements and Opaque Offshore Structures’ (MMD Rules) were published by the Organis...

22 Jun 2022
Rodrigo Zepeda

The Model Mandatory Disclosure Rules (‘AEOI PHASE 3’) Briefing Series: PART I

By Rodrigo Zepeda, CEO, Storm-7 Consulting This multi-part series of blogs will introduce readers to what have been generally referred to as the ‘Model Mandatory Disclosure Rules’ (MMD Rules). Their...

21 Jun 2022
Steve Goddard

Why we should shed the stigma of being scammed

Mental health is the latest aspect of our lives that is quite rightly being destigmatised, and next on the list should be being scammed. This isn’t a problem that only faces the old and vulnerable, th...

09 May 2022
Jeremy Annis

The UK Economic Crime Bill and Russia sanctions: Advice for Banks

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the UK has been quick to join its Western allies in condemning Vladimir Putin’s regime and issuing economic sanctions. These sanctions have been swift, severe a...

28 Apr 2022
Kris Jones

Full Time | Blowing The Whistle on Cartel Behaviour

By Victoria Preece, Compliance Director – allpay Limited “Competition law compliance is not always given the attention that it deserves. I would like to see anti-competitive behaviour taken as seriou...

06 Apr 2022
Andrew Stevens

HMRC Warning on Scams is Only Half the Problem

This week, we heard the news that HMRC is warning Self Assessment customers to be on their guard after more than 570,000 scams were reported to HMRC last year. The news comes as a wake-up call for th...

18 Mar 2022
Retired Member

5 Steps to Managing Sanctions Risk in a Rapidly Changing Geopolitical Landscape

Geopolitical tensions such as at the Russian-Ukrainian border have thrown sanctions risk management challenges into the spotlight in recent months. Foreign policy responses to crises of this kind usua...

21 Feb 2022
Simon Moss

Looking at AML in the New Era of Money Laundering: Where we’ve been and what’s to come

The United Nations has estimated that between $800 billion and $2 trillion are laundered every year, though it’s almost impossible to know the true amount. In an attempt to deter this crime, we’re see...

01 Dec 2021
Retired Member

The three steps in fixing data for the fight against financial crime

The global cost of financial crime compliance is estimated to be $213.9bn, according to Lexis Nexis’ Global Cost of Compliance 2020 report, up from $180.9bn the previous year. And this is expected to ...

26 Nov 2021
Retired Member

The Top 5 Transaction Monitoring Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Transaction monitoring is a fundamental part of detecting and preventing your business from being used to facilitate financial crime and terrorism financing. Regulators are increasing their scrutiny o...

09 Nov 2021
Greg Woolf

In The World of Cyber Fraud, Legacy Solutions Aren't Enough

By combining fraudulent theft with cyber tactics, Synthetic Identity Fraud (SIF) has emerged as the fastest-growing financial crime. How big is the problem? Based on insights from our Cyber Fraud Net...

03 Nov 2021

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