Digital Identity Management

Founded by Vikas Seth
Group founded 31 May 2019
Posts 54
Members 14
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Discuss upcoming trends in digital proofing, authentication, fraud and digital identity management.

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Guillaume Forget

All Trains Cancelled: How an e-Sig Failure Derailed a €3bn Transport Deal

On 21st September, the Swiss-based train manufacturer, Stadler, announced that it lost a €3bn contract with the Austrian Federal Railways ÖBB due to a legally impermissible electronic signature on th...

04 Oct 2021
Nick Mothershaw

Full digital ID adoption is just around the corner: why are tens of thousands still unprepared?

There’s no doubt that a full digital ID reality is imminent. But tens of thousands of organisations across the globe have done little to prepare for it. They still have unanswered questions. Despite t...

13 Sep 2021
Stu Bradley

Fuel on the Fire: How COVID-19 sparked a global payments fraud pandemic – and how to fight back

As the rapidly spreading coronavirus spurred lockdowns and ongoing social distancing measures around the world, consumers flocked to digital channels to replace or supplement face-to-face interactions...

30 Aug 2021
Barley Laing

Five steps to build trust in the digital age

With more people engaging and transacting with organisations online during the pandemic, there has been a corresponding rise in fraudulent activity. In the banking industry the Office for National St...

02 Jul 2021
Sara Croft

The challenge of KYC checks for IFAs

Tony Machin, CEO of TrustID, discusses how IFAs can conveniently comply with KYC and AML requirements without the money and resources available to larger financial organisations. As an Independent F...

27 Apr 2021
Adam Desmond

Why businesses need to be tougher on data privacy to boost digital ID rollout

Many would be surprised to find that purchasing a bottle of alchohol in our local corner shop is a security risk. But how? When the seller asks to see our proof of age, it's customary to wip out a phy...

14 Apr 2021
Vikas Seth

Why companies need to think of remote customer onboarding in a Holistic Manner

As per recent report from Wall Street Journal one quarter of 165,000 branches of various banks in Europe will go away in next three years (

04 Apr 2021
René Hendrikse

Why the Zoom cat filter raises banking security questions

Since the onset of pandemic, digital tools have been a means of survival across many industries. Remote working, distance learning, online shopping, virtual GP appointments, and even digital court hea...

25 Mar 2021
Andrew Brennan

Complexity to advocacy: How FS providers can create brand loyalty

The word ‘fintech’ may have been around since the early 90s, but in many ways the fintech revolution is only just hitting its stride. Financial services, for so long controlled by big banks and even b...

02 Mar 2021
Vikas Seth

Everyone with payment wallets but how about Identity Wallets

Being in identity and security space for quite a while now, obviously when I talk to friends and family, they all get excited about whole identity verification and cutting-edge technology behind it. O...

24 Jan 2021

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