Blockchain in Banking and Financial Services

Group founded 21 Jan 2020
Posts 89
Members 43
Group summary

This group is to share any information related to enterprise wide Blockchain technology adaption in different Banking Financial Services sub-domains.

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Hirander Misra

Will Malaysia become a Digital Financial Services Hub?

Early adoption will be a key differentiator in the race to lead SE Asia in digital asset exchanges - offering services such as the primary listing of securities, listing of alternative assets and seco...

22 Sep 2020
Hirander Misra


The current crisis has increased the need for accelerated automation that would lead to increased efficiency, reduced costs and, counterintuitively, increased revenues. This can only come from a parad...

14 Sep 2020
Jeremy Light

The Future of Money and Payments

1200 words, 4.5 minute read Central bank balance sheets are ballooning the world over, and in parallel, adoption of shared ledgers using blockchain is accelerating. These major shifts indicate the glo...

08 Sep 2020
Paul Hampton

Revolutionising financial services one blockchain at a time

The financial industry is one of, if not the most regulated industries in the world. As such, while innovation may appear to be on a smooth road in other sectors, to many the financial world can be vi...

03 Sep 2020
Hirander Misra

The digital asset inflation hedge beyond gold

The extent of money supply increases needed to facilitate stimulus packages by sovereign central banks to counter the negative effects of the current crisis will dictate the inflationary pressures tha...

20 Jul 2020
Payson Johnton

Banks are Moving Away from Supplier Finance and SMEs are Scrambling; Is Blockchain the Solution?

The world is becoming increasingly globalized, and despite the benefits of a better connected global economy and supply chain for businesses both small and large, banks seem to be pulling away from wh...

07 Apr 2020
Retired Member

The Tragic Covid-19 Pandemic Could Be an Opportunity For Fintechs Who Learned The Lesson of 2008

Fintech startups looking to transform current investing trends or disrupt traditional banking are facing their first major test as Covid-19 pandemic bites into the very fabric of our society. As inter...

02 Apr 2020
Niall Twomey

The Role of Blockchain and DLT in e-KYC Utilities

In this nascent market, organizations are exploring the speed and accuracy of DLT and the enhanced security of Blockchain. In this blog, I take a look at the DLT and blockchain technologies that can m...

01 Apr 2020
Konstantin Rabin

Alchemy Technologies partners up with the blockchain-based consumer loans company

Fintechs rely heavily on blockchain to make the transactions smooth and safe and while both of these technologies often face criticism for being vulnerable to attacks, the fintech industry keeps growi...

11 Mar 2020
Chris Principe

Deposit Cash, Get Arrested

Deposit Cash, Get Arrested! Banking has evolved more in the last few years than in the last few decades. The main reason is technology closely followed by regulation. The famous statement that “Cash...

10 Mar 2020

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