Banking Architecture

Founded by Siddharth Udani
Group founded 04 Sep 2008
Posts 109
Members 43
Group summary

A community for discussing the latest happenings in banking IT. Credit Crunch impacting Risk Systems overall, revamp of mortgage backed securities, payment transformations, include business, technology, data and systems architecture capturing IT trends, 'what to dos?' concerning design of systems.

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René Haeberlin

Legacy systems are a pain in the bank

Banks today are no strangers to wake-up calls. They come thick and fast in trade journals. They frame the digital transformation discussion. They resonate with traditional banks, especially when they...

26 Oct 2018
Andrew Beatty

The Clean Slate approach to Banking

Both in life and in banking technology, few have the luxury to start over with a clean slate. Banks usually have to build upon the investments (and mistakes) of prior years. Banks built their entire b...

25 Oct 2018
Andrew Beatty

The Tortoise and The Hare: Digital Banking Transformation

This widely known fabled story can serve as an excellent primer for examining the pros and cons of seemingly opposing forces in a familiar format utilizing a compare and contrast context. There certai...

20 Sep 2018
Bob Lyddon

Another week at New Payment System Operator and another I cannot BELIEVE it moment or three

New Payment System Operator never fails to disappoint in terms of its governance and processes. Three Victor Meldrew moments in one week – that is a new record. Firstly we have an announcement that Lo...

14 Sep 2018
Retired Member

Making Coffee - to explain APIs and Domains

I was invited to a meeting recently, to explain APIs and why they are important for our digital blueprint. I had no idea who the audience was nor their level of understanding of the basics of APIs. S

11 Sep 2018
Retired Member

The Hollywood Principle

Inversion of Control: Don't call us, we'll call you. Remember when you were a child, going on a long trip with your parents. Remember the frustration; “Are we there yet?”, “Are we there yet?” Now, as

09 Sep 2018
Retired Member

The Butterfly Effect

We are currently doing some domain driven design to understand our primary business domains and identify the appropriate core APIs required. This is an exciting yet daunting time - some domains look

06 Sep 2018
Retired Member

6 Strategies for Building a Platform Bank

A Mckinsey study states that ‘manufacturing’, the primary industry for a bank’s financing and lending business now generates about 53% of industry revenues and 35% of profits with an ROE of 4.4%. On t...

04 Jun 2018
Retired Member

Storefronting and the rise of window shopping in investment banking

People’s interactions with their banks have undergone an extraordinary transformation. From the emergence of app-only challengers such as Monzo to the evolution of physical branches, technology has dr...

07 Feb 2018
Retired Member

Digital transformation: a growing agenda for the financial services industry

Through the ages, the story of David and Goliath has been told countless times. The archetypal tale of an underdog’s triumph, it is the perfect example of how preparation and agility can overcome shee...

25 Jan 2018

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