SWIFT Matters

Founded by John Doyle
Group founded 28 Feb 2007
Posts 38
Members 24
Group summary

A community that concentrates on SWIFT as an important business tool in the payments and standards world.

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Domenico Scaffidi

SWIFT gpi: the build vs buy debate

As the world moves towards a more global way of doing business, banks and financial institutions need the capability to move money around efficiently, transparently and in a cost effective manner and ...

21 Nov 2019
Retired Member

Another Day at SIBOS 2019

On the first day of Sibos My TB gave to me A current account and OD facility On the second day of Sibos My Transaction Banker gave to me Two virtual accounts And A current account and OD facility T...

25 Sep 2019
Retired Member

Swift takes the first steps with Distributed Ledger Technology

Swift has announced a proof-of-concept trial to link distributed ledger-based trade networks to its payments network. The industry reaction concentrates, not on the functionality or advantages, but t...

08 Feb 2019
Rolf Hauge

Now SWIFT Release 2018’s done, are you ready for SWIFT Release 2019?

For the first time in many years SWIFT’s MT Standards Release for 2018 (SR2018) incorporated a number of significant changes for banks’ trade finance operations. For many banks it presented a real te...

14 Jan 2019
Craig Ramsey

What's next for SWIFT gpi and cross-border real-time payments?

SWIFT gpi poses many opportunities for banks. Like any technology, the rate of change is accelerating, making it critical that banks keep pace with the market and with their competition. In 2018, as d...

24 Sep 2018
Retired Member

The Clock is Ticking: Are You Ready for SWIFT’s CSP?

Remember the days of being assigned a paper to write when you were in school? You’d be given months to complete it and yet somehow you always found yourself, on the weekend before the deadline, scramb...

13 Oct 2017
John Doyle

What happened to prudent banking practice?

Recent events in the international payments world have highlighted yet again the confusion over SWIFT’s responsibilities in the payments chain. SWIFT was created to send payments instructions from a s...

23 May 2016
Saurabha Sahu

Will SWIFT be replaced by Blockchain?

SWIFT has become the backbone of the financial market from 1973. SWIFT has proven the scalability, security, resilience and created the history that is the trust in the network. SWIFT has provided a n...

02 Apr 2016
John Doyle

What Makes a Great Relationship Manager?

The Summary First, the summary for those that can't be bothered with the detail. A great relationship manager is someone who, Understands their customers business, Knows the customers strategy and wh...

23 Nov 2014
Retired Member

CGI and the Path to Coopetition

For years, dealing with different domestic and international payment and account statement formats was a primary challenge within the domain of corporate payments. In this format-centric era, the conc...

22 Apr 2013
Roy McPherson

Would back office systems cope?

When we were at Sibos we enjoyed a team dinner in a local restaurant. As the topics of the day were mulled over somewhere up popped a contentious question "If the Greeks default, and Greece dis...

05 Oct 2011
Roy McPherson

Aren't I the lucky one?

Funny what you find in your spam mail, this weeks mail has broadened my horizons to include penis enlargement treatment, a link to a young lady of dubious morals and, wait for the drum roll, a lady of...

20 May 2011

Now hiring