Post-Trade Forum

Group founded 28 Apr 2011
Posts 83
Members 10
Group summary

The Post Trade Forum's aim is to propagate debate and discussion between senior practitioners in Post Trade Operations in the global securities market; to bring about increased awareness and knowledge across both buy-side and sell-side financial institutions in financial products and be a focal point for firms and practitioners to air views.

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Retired Member

Distressed Loan Settlement: The PSA Solution

In an earlier article I suggested that we can finally address the challenge of extremely long trade settlement times in the distressed loan market (T+66 is the current average) by applying three ...

07 Feb 2019
Retired Member

Distressed Loan Settlement: A Time for Change

Settling LSTA distressed loan trades in the secondary market is complex and time-consuming. Unlike the par loan market, distressed features additional requirements for inventory management, due dilige...

16 Jan 2019
Sally Yates

A million reasons to retrospectively review your live trade portfolio

You’re late in identifying a contractual issue on a trade and it costs six figures. You’re not quite flying blind but you’ve certainly not got 20/20 vision. In the same year, it happens another half d...

20 Jul 2018
Retired Member

Automation and AI key to future bank profitability

More and more bankers are suffering sleepless nights over spiralling, often out of control, costs and declining, or even disappearing, margins... And if they aren't, they should be. If they don't do s...

15 May 2017
Retired Member

Australian Super Assets Surge Driving Technology Investment

The Australian superannuation sector surged in size to $1.8 trillion in the fourth quarter of 2014, while contributions into superannuation funds with at least $50 million in assets were $22.7 billion...

17 Mar 2014
Retired Member

What comes before regulatory compliance?

Its old news: there is a lot of effort being expended on the landslide of regulatory change. But before you can even start to consider complying with new (or for that matter more established) regulati...

27 Sep 2013
Retired Member

Alternative routes to cost reduction..

Since the early 2000s financial institutions have been reducing headcount to cut costs and increase margin/return on equity. Received wisdom has it that this is the cost saving option which makes the ...

09 Aug 2013
Retired Member

Static Data, a closed topic?

Static Data, quite simply information by which financial services firms can identify where to settle transactions, and indeed identify their counterparts. Then why so difficult? Many claim to have ‘gl...

01 Jul 2013
Retired Member

Why do post trade STP projects fail?

Industrialisation of operational processes, improving settlement efficiency, focus on cost, STP – these are all common phrases or terms to indicate a plan to improve settlement rates, reduce failure a...

03 Jun 2013
Retired Member

Post Trade Services: why the buy side needs to commit

With the multitude of regulation being debated or approved for implementation, the financial sector must navigate myriad new rules. Post-trade operations, typically an area of activity driven by the s...

10 May 2013
Gary Wright

Anti-money laundering - the final solution

Money laundering continues to be a scourge on financial services. Recent cases of some of biggest and most respected banks clearly demonstrate that as time goes by the risk of money laundering keeps i...

15 Aug 2012
Gary Wright

Bringing greater efficiency to payments

The payments industry has been a sticking point in financial services for quite some time. Vested interests and a concentration of far too much business between too few banks have created development ...

14 Aug 2012

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