Outsourcing Banking, Financial Services Operations

Founded by Satish Saini
Group founded 08 Feb 2021
Posts 7
Members 6
Group summary

Group is focused on accelerating Business Process Transformation through the use of the latest Fintech point solutions, AI, RPA and Design Thinking.

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Neil Glover

What Does The Consumer Duty Mean For Contact Centres?

Most readers of this journal will have some awareness of the FCA Consumer Duty. The important date when the new rules will apply is 31 July 2023 - not long now. In short it sets out to achieve an impr...

05 Jul 2023
Scott Dawson

Getting the basics right: Achieving 99.99% uptime and no data leaks

It seems as though tough times are ahead for eCommerce merchants. The potential for a major downturn has many battening down the hatches in anticipation of lean profits and higher expenses. During th...

05 Jun 2023
Prasoon Mukherjee

COMPUTATIONAL THINKING - The Missing Link Between Ideation and Execution

We often tend to identity reasons of failed software projects with "cost-overrun" , "time-overrun" or "poor quality". A few years back, during conversation with a dear f...

24 Dec 2022
Pete Lord

Tackling the churn problem in Point-of-Sale

Every year about 30% of restaurants go bust. The life of any hospitality or brick-and-mortar retail business is usually short, particularly in the small and mid-market segment. Blame high fixed costs,...

03 Nov 2022
Luigi Wewege

9 Ways Your Business Will Benefit from Offshore Incorporation

Establishing or even reorganizing an older business means making decisions about the incorporation. While your first thought was to incorporate domestically, the idea of establishing an offshore corpo...

18 Jan 2022

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