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Isis mobile wallet goes live

Isis Mobile Wallet allows you to make purchases with your phone—a technology that just went live. Just wave your Isis-compatible smartphone at select cash registers to buy soda or taxi service, via Isis’s near-field communication technology. (iPhone compatibility with NFC will come later on.)


Customers of Isis Mobile Wallet can use My Coke Rewards and Isis to get three free beverages at designated vending machines.

Another incentive comes from Jamba Juice: that of giving away one million free smoothies to Isis customers.

The third incentive: Make a purchase via an American Express Serve account through Isis Mobile Wallet, and you’ll be eligible for a 20 percent discount (going up to $200).

An enhanced SIM card is necessary to run Isis. You’ll also need to download the app from Google Play, or, you can sign up at any retail store that’s run by these three carriers mentioned above.

Free Smoothies

One million smoothies will be given away for free, courtesy of a business partnership between Isis and Jamba Juice.

All you need do to get the smoothie is make a purchase with your smartphone using the Isis Mobile Wallet.

Why give away a million free smoothies? It’s a promotion to encourage consumers to make mobile payments. This technology is possible by equipping point-of-sale terminals (cash machines) with near-field communication that will read the smartphone as it’s waved at the sensor.

This technology has passed trials with flying colors, and Jamba Juice will implement NFC-enabled terminals in stores nationwide. The goal is to get the idea of mobile payment more universally accepted by consumers.


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