
Group founded 16 May 2017
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Fintech discussions and conversations around the development of fintech.

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Dennis Buckly

Top 5 Investment Tools You Need to Get This 2024

With the help of investing apps and FinTech tools, modern-day users can easily buy or sell stocks, manage their portfolios, and obtain investment analytics. These technological advancements have demo

19 Feb 2024
Max Koretskiy

5 reasons why WealthTech will continue to develop rapidly

The current model of the global economy functions in such a way that global capital is constantly growing. This is influenced by many factors, including globalization, technological progress, the deve...

14 Feb 2024
Eugene Rudenko

Demystifying Peer-to-Peer Lending: A Marketplace Where Individuals Connect for Financial Solutions

Imagine a financial ecosystem where individuals bypass traditional institutions and directly connect with each other to borrow and lend money. This is the core concept of peer-to-peer (P2P) lending pl...

05 Feb 2024
Eric Huttman

6 hidden FX costs every fund manager should know about

The FX market is the largest financial market in the world, with a daily trading volume of $7.5 trillion. A significant proportion of this volume comes from fund managers, but despite their high expo...

01 Feb 2024
Stanislav Andreev

The Rise of AI in Investment Strategies in 2024: how AI revolutionizing investment strategies

The year 2023 brought us many surprises, but it is widely agreed that the dominant trend of the year was Artificial Intelligence (AI). Fact that AI has made a significant breakthrough and has become a...

31 Jan 2024
Shawn Conahan

Navigating the Evolving Fintech Landscape in 2024

After years defined by explosive growth and disruption, the business environment for fintechs is shifting. Fintechs and financial institutions alike will need to chart a strategic course to navigate t...

19 Jan 2024
Francesco Fulcoli

EU Agrees on Stricter Anti-Money Laundering Rules

Francesco Fulcoli - Chief Compliance Officer The Council of the European Union and the European Parliament have reached a provisional agreement on reforms to strengthen the EU's anti-money laundering ...

19 Jan 2024
Ben Borodach

5 predictions for fintech in 2024

The last 24 months were turbulent for the financial industry to say the least. After initially believing inflation was transitory, the Federal Reserve did a complete 180 and increased interest rates

17 Jan 2024
Brad Van Leeuwen

Shadow IT is on the rise and it could cost you

We’ve all done it right? Downloaded a bit of software which will help do our jobs. Nothing wrong with that you might say. We all can get bored with the company provided software that doesn’t quite ma...

17 Jan 2024
Henning Holter

Preparing for 2024: FinTech developments for payment innovators

The new year brings interesting areas to understand and prepare for, especially if your business is positioned to take advantage of innovation in payments. By no means exhaustive, here are some develo...

12 Jan 2024
Scott Dawson

Survival of the fittest: Why low fintech investment can be good for Fintech

“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.” This quote from author G. Michael Hopf (which in modern terms obviously relate...

09 Jan 2024
Donica Venter

Payment and Tech Trends Shaping the Future

Keeping up with banking trends is not easy, especially when the competition is so tough, and the trends are ever developing. In this article, we look at some of the top trends banks should be explorin...

04 Jan 2024

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