Digital Banking

Founded by Mat Mehrotra
Group founded 26 Jul 2022
Posts 32
Members 10
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How mobile banking can unlock real financial progress

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Donica Venter

The Exponential Adoption of Digital Banking

Embarking on this article, we join Jan Ludik, CEO of Traderoot, as he delves into the rapidly expanding realm of digital banking and the indispensable role that fintech innovation plays in driving its...

25 Aug 2023
Pavlo Farb

Preventing Fraud in Digital Banks

By offering a wide range of advantages over traditional payment methods, financial wallet applications are becoming increasingly popular both among customers and fraudsters. Only in 2021 e-wallet loss...

31 Jul 2023
Konrad Litwin

Preparing For a Run: Ensuring Financial App Performance Quality During Unpredictable Circumstances

When it comes to testing the performance of their applications, retailers have somewhat more of a predictable workload. They already know the busy times – Black Friday and the week before Christmas,

12 Jun 2023
Alex Kreger

Ten UX Strategies for Next-Gen Digital Banking Products

We see hundreds of new skyrocketing fintech startups and challenger banks. They work hard on usability and design the best financial user experience (UX) to build the next generation of financial prod...

01 Jun 2023
Mousser Rahmouni

How a Fiat Onramp Can Simplify Your App Journey?

A fiat onramp is a financial service that allows individuals to convert their government-issued currency, also known as fiat currency, into a digital asset or cryptocurrency. This process is often ref...

31 Mar 2023
Steve Morgan

Are CBDCs the future of money and the end of banking as we know it?

In recent years, the world has witnessed a significant shift in the way payments are made. With the rise of digital transactions, more and more countries are exploring the possibility of introducing t...

28 Mar 2023
Pavlo Farb

NFC and digital wallets: magic has security risks

NFC devices provide users with another pair of wings to fly over daily routines, as they enable quick and easy contactless mobile payments and the use of e-tickets, mobile digital wallets, keycards, e...

28 Mar 2023
Anoop Melethil

The changing face of customer experience for retail banking

The Banking sector entered 2023 on a firmer footing compared to previous years. McKinsey’s Global Banking Annual Review 2022 informs that, driven by interest rates and net margins, bank profitability...

21 Feb 2023
Amey Prabhu

Corporate Treasurers- Better Banking Days Ahead

Corporate treasury is no longer seen as a cost centre. It is expected to play a key role in business policy decisions and new business initiatives. This requires a shift in focus from repetitive BAU a...

19 Feb 2023
Uri Rivner

Do banks really know their customers anymore?

The 80s! What a fantastic decade. Anyone who grew up in the eighties, raise your hands! Indiana Jones, War Games, Beverly Hills Cop, Commodore 64 adventure games… Growing up in the eighties was awesom...

12 Feb 2023
Ekaterina Podgaiskaya

How to Choose a Mobile Wallet Software Provider?

Many financial and non-financial organizations launch their own mobile wallets, among the most popular are Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Amazon Pay, etc. In June 2022 Meta (former Facebook) launched Meta Pa...

11 Jan 2023
John Rutledge

Five digital wallet themes in the media

I've recently been tracking some of the key themes that are being aired by the media when taking about digital wallets. If it shows one thing above all else, is that not only is the humble digital wa...

11 Jan 2023

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