
Group founded 24 Jan 2023
Posts 125
Members 13
Group summary

Banks nowadays are in stiff competition for human resources with fintech. The financial technology sector often offers higher pay. Still, the prospects of many such start-ups are difficult to forecast – they are as likely to occupy a solid niche as they are to go bust. Stable companies in Latvia are only a handful. Primarily, fintech players active in Latvia are headquartered in foreign countries – the United Kingdom, to name one – despite maintaining offices in Riga and employing staff in Latvia

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Raktim Singh

Why 'Agile and Adaptive Banking' is the only survival mantra.

The banking industry is characterized by constant change, and adapting is crucial for capitalizing on opportunities and minimizing risks. The increasing demand for real-time information is causing a c...

12 Jan 2024
Priya Kumari

The Resilience of Credit Unions: Shaping the Future of Consumer Loans

Introduction While credit unions have experienced a slight slowdown in growth, they have proven to be more resistant to market fluctuations compared to banks. Despite facing challenges, credit unions ...

11 Jan 2024
Ken Wan

Harnessing the Power of Monetary Oversight to Tackle Sophisticated Financial Fraud

Thank you to technological advances, it is becoming increasingly convenient for consumers to carry out online transactions, such as online purchases and money transfers by clicking on a link or using ...

11 Jan 2024
Raktim Singh

On Demand Pay

"On-demand pay" allows employees to request a portion of their compensation before the next pay period. This is especially beneficial for personnel who may encounter unanticipated financial ...

10 Jan 2024
Shiv Nanda

AML in Banking: Why and How It’s Essential?

Organizations must use AML in the banking sector to avoid any illegal activities and secure essential data. It’s much needed in the digital landscape as imposters are also using advanced illegal means...

09 Jan 2024
Iain Swaine

Most Surprising Fraud Scams and What to Expect in 2024

Fraudsters are fickle. What’s new is old in the world of cybercrime, with fraudsters often just repackaging up an old attack with a new bow. But it is for this very reason that it is so difficult to p...

08 Jan 2024
Alex Kreger

Specifics of UX consultants and fintech designers in the banking industry

Choosing the right fintech designer and UX consultant for a financial company's digital product is crucial for building a great service and a solid and positive financial brand image. The Pareto princ...

18 Dec 2023
James Barker

Monzo vs Chase vs Revolut: Battle of the Embedded Wealth solutions

Banks are finally starting to adopt wealth management alongside their daily banking capabilities. Frankly, it's about time! The notion that a bank relationship would be limited to spending and borrow...

18 Dec 2023
Nick Green

The DOs and DON’Ts of credit data contracts

When it comes to credit data contracts, it’s not just about striking a deal on price; financial services procurement teams need to consider a range of factors to make them strategically aligned with e...

12 Dec 2023
Kanika Hope

An uncertain future for challenger banks

Challengers face an uncertain future. Some will run out of cash, some will get acquired by incumbents or even the more successful challengers, and then there are those that will succeed independently....

11 Dec 2023
Ben Goldin

2023: A year of banking innovation

As we reach the end of another eventful year in banking, it’s time to take stock and reflect. From the accelerated fall of high street bank empires, the ongoing fight for market share from both incumb...

11 Dec 2023
Alex Kreger

New business strategy formula: Improve customer engagement in banking

Customer engagement in banking refers to the interactions and relationships between a financial brand and its customers that cultivate a sense of loyalty, involvement, and investment in the bank's pro...

11 Dec 2023

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