Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Founded by Ambrish Parmar
Group founded 20 Jun 2018
Posts 831
Members 149
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Latest thinking in respect to Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation. Harnessing our collective wisdom to make banking better. Ambrish Parmar

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Alex Kreger

Choose the Right Software Vendor for UX Excellence in Digital Banking

Software vendors are crucial. They provide digital solutions to help banks operate efficiently and meet customer expectations. However, while ready-to-use solutions offer speed and convenience, they o...

27 May 2024
Chris George

Incumbents are buying up banks—but how might takeovers impact consumer choice and innovation?

Recent news that Barclays is buying the bulk of Tesco’s banking business, and that Sainsbury’s Bank is open to takeover offers, has thrown retail banking’s competition with legacy banks back under t...

23 May 2024
James Berry

Time to Level up Your Loyalty Program: Top 10 Ways to Tap into Gamification

People love games for a variety of reasons: they fuel our competitive sides, challenge us, offer an escape from the daily grind, and help us feel a sense of victory and accomplishment. Most of us are ...

17 May 2024
Sergiy Fitsak

Guide to Choosing a Cloud Services Provider for Fintech Companies

Fintech firms are increasingly reliant on advanced technology to provide innovative financial services. Gartner forecasts that by 2025, 85% of organizations will prioritize a cloud-first strategy, ne...

15 May 2024
Alex Kreger

Is your digital banking service competitive on all 5 levels?

Distinguishing your financial services from competitors is not just an advantage—it's a necessity. Let's explore this concept deeply, showing how modern financial brands can create a significant edge ...

15 May 2024
Steve Morgan

What Australia taught me about innovations in fintech and banking

While I did not go there to work in a bank, I ended up in senior operations and change leadership roles for the lending business of ANZ, one of Australia’s biggest banks, for nine years. What I experi...

14 May 2024
Saloni Ramakrishna

Bankers Beware - All that is green is not gold - A view through the Risk Management Lens

Banks are accelerating green lending and investing initiatives as they march towards realizing their net zero goals, partnering with their counterparties to reduce the combined carbon footprint. As I ...

13 May 2024
Mark Nutt

How financial services organisations can protect valuable data in the age of ransomware

There’s no hiding from it; ransomware is once again on the rise and today’s attackers do not discriminate. Regardless of size and sector, no organisation is immune and as the list of recognisable vict...

09 May 2024
Hemlata ....

Can Batch evolution be completely replaced by Real-time in Banking?

Traditionally, Core banking Systems are developed using Mainframe technologies which leverages batch processing for multiple banking operations. Batches were developed due to the manual processes and ...

06 May 2024
Iain MacLennan

Creating an intelligent trade finance ecosystem

With the growing demand for a consumer-like personalized interaction in trade workflows, alongside efforts to digitalize the industry, there is an emphasis on the need for ecosystem collaboration in t...

02 May 2024

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