Asia Financial Services

Founded by Zennon Kapron
Group founded 04 Sep 2007
Posts 90
Members 14
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Covering all aspects of financial services in Asia from banking in China to algo trading in Japan.

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Zennon Kapron

China: Stock Dormancy

For the past few weeks, most of the major news in China has centred on the Communist Party Congress. This is an pretty important event in China that happens once every 5 years and usually results in ...

18 Oct 2007
Zennon Kapron

China: Profits up, NPLs down

The China Banking Regulatory Commission recently reported Chinese banking industry numbers and for a brief comparison: Profits: 1H2007 - 268.97 billion yuan (35.8 billion U.S. dollars) FY2003 – 32.28...

08 Oct 2007
Zennon Kapron

China: Barbie and Goldman

Lead Toys With recall troubles dating back to 2005 when a toddler in the US ate a loose magnet and later died, the toy manufacture Mattel has been in the centre of a toy recall that has thousands of c...

25 Sep 2007
Zennon Kapron

Singapore: Bubble? What bubble?

On a recent trip to Singapore, I was shocked to see that the 3 bedroom flat that I used to rent with a few people in 2004 for SGP$2,100 was now renting for SGP$4,300. Just over double in 3 years. No...

17 Sep 2007
Zennon Kapron

intel inside China

This past weekend Craig Barrett was in China for the ceremonial groundbreaking on the brand spanking new site for Intel’s latest US$2.5B factory or “fab”. Scheduled to start production in 2010, the fa...

11 Sep 2007
Zennon Kapron

China: Flying and Banking

This week Singapore Airlines (SIA) bought a ~16% stake in China Eastern, a domestic Chinese airline, which is in the worst financial condition of the big three Chinese carriers. This by itself is grou...

07 Sep 2007

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