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2024 (1) 2023 (1)
Helena Wood

Helena Wood

Director of Public Policy at Cifas
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Exposing Financial Crime

Driving the next generation of fraud reforms

28 May 2024

With a General Election announced for 4 July, now is the perfect time for a stock take on the progress made over the past decade in relation to tackling fraud. For the most part, this was a decade in which fraud felt like the Cinderella of the criminal justice system; a crime neglected by politicians and police alike while other crime types receiv...

Exposing Financial Crime

Tackling money mule abuse of the financial sector – no place to hide

22 Nov 2023

Money laundering is the lifeblood of organised criminals – put simply, without the ability to move and convert criminal proceeds into “clean” money to fund further crime and the lavish lifestyle criminals aspire to, organised crime gangs cease to function. It has long been known that organised fraud gangs rely heavily on the use of networks of so-c...