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Níamh Curran

Níamh Curran

Senior Reporter at Finextra
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Bio Niamh is a fintech reporter covering a wide range of topics in the area. Career History Niamh has previously reported on trade finance and medical devices. She is originally from Belfast but resides in London

Long reads

Digital Pension Dashboards and why we need them

29 May 2024

The National Audit Office (NAO), recently released a report attributing the delays in the Pensions Dashboard Programme (PDP) to lack of digital skills and incapacity. This is a serious drawback to the progress in digital pensions. However, it does answer some of the questions those reliant on the programme have been asking for the past year. It le...

What are NFC payments?

28 Mar 2024

Apple is being sued by the US Department of Justice for an alleged monopoly on smartphones, with NFC technology playing a large part in the argument. Apple tap-to-pay uses NFC technology to enable its payments, but as it stands in the US, no other digital wallet can be used on their mobile devices. It’s important to look at what NFC payments are an...


Generative AI and AI outlook 2024: Customer journeys, fraud and legislation

14 Mar 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI saw an immense boom in 2023, with some calling it the technology’s breakout year. What was once viewed as something of science fiction is coming closer to reality, with the abilities of the software developing at pace. Yet how is the technology going to progress throughout the year in the financial tec...

Anne Boden on supporting female fintech founders

08 Mar 2024

For International Women’s Day (IWD) this year, we spoke to a woman who is the poster child of female success in the fintech world, Anne Boden. In June of last year, Boden stepped down as CEO of Starling after founding the challenger bank 10 years prior. Yet Boden has been busy recently. Last week she launched her third book, Female Founders’ Playbo...